8 Tips to Make Poop Scooping Easier

make poop scooping easier

As much as you love your dog, you probably don’t love poop scooping.

It’s a messy (and smelly) job that must be done.

Dog poop is not fertilizer. Not only can it mess up your yard, but it is also unsafe.

Dog poop is full of harmful bacteria.

In fact, “One gram of dog waste (the weight of a business card) contains 23 million fecal coliform bacteria—almost twice as much as human waste.”

It’s so unsafe that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency labeled pet waste a nonpoint source pollutant, which means it is in the same category as toxic chemicals from motor vehicles, pesticides, and more!

That’s why you must scoop the poop!

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to make poop scooping easier.

Clean Up as Your Dog Goes

The best way to make scooping poop efficient is to clean up as your dog goes.

This means that as soon as your dog poops, you scoop the poop.

This is easier if your dog only goes number two while on a walk.

But if your dog goes freely in your yard, it will be harder to keep track of the poop.

Make Poop Scooping a Daily Chore

If you can’t scoop the poop as soon as it appears, make poop scooping a daily chore.

Just as you clean up the kitchen counters each evening, make it a habit to go outdoors and scoop the poop from the day.

This will prevent piles of poop from piling up all over your yard.

Scooping daily is much easier than having to search your entire yard for various piles once a week.

Teach Your Dog to Poop in the Same Spot

If you want to make poop scooping easier, train your dog to poop in the same spot.

This will make it much easier and quicker to locate the poop.

Whether you train your dog to use the same area to relieve himself or build a dog run primarily for poop purposes, it will prove worthwhile.

[Related Read: How to Train Your Dog to Poop in One Spot]

Follow a Grid Pattern

If you aren’t able to scoop the poop daily or teach your dog to poop in the same spot, you need to have a poop scooping plan.

One way to make poop scooping easier is to know when and how it will get done.

For example, let’s say you plan to scoop the poop on weekends.

If your dog has pooped throughout your yard daily, you will have to find several poo piles.

The easiest way to do this is to walk your yard with poop scooping tools in a grid-like pattern to be sure you find each pile of poop.

Invest in Quality Poop Scooping Tools

Make poop scooping easier by investing in quality poop scooping tools.

You’ll need a dedicated pooper scooper, such as a shovel or rake or specially designed scooping tool.

These tools will need to be cleaned and sanitized regularly.

[Related Read: Poop Scooping Tools Review]

One tool that stands out is the PooPail, which is a combination pail for storing waste and an ergonomic long pooper scooper with wheels. You can wheel it around your yard, scoop the poop, and dispose of it all at once.

Have a Dedicated Pet Waste Trash Can

To make poop scooping easier, you should already have a plan for what to do with the poop you scoop.

It is more effective to have a separate, dedicated pet waste trash can.

Keep a Waste Bag Container on Your Leash

Along those same lines, keep biodegradable waste bags on hand.

Attach a doggy bag container to your leash so you have them with you when you and your dog are on the go.

Outsource the Stinky Chore to Super Scoopers

The final and best tip for making poop scooping easier is to pass the dirty job on to someone else!

At Super Scoopers, it is our duty to pick up your dog’s doody.

We have the right equipment, the right means of disposal, and the right attitude.

Your dogs and your yard will be safe with Super Scoopers.

We offer flexible service, allowing you to choose how often you’d like us to service your yard.

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