10 Health Benefits of Dog Ownership

Sure, dogs are fun. But that’s not all! There are many health benefits of dog ownership.
Multiple studies have proven that adding a dog to your family can improve your overall health.
So much so that “One day […] it might be possible to ‘prescribe’ a dog for a young active child, a troubled adolescent or cardiovascular patient and know – as much as science can ever know – what the outcome is likely to be for their health.”
Take a look at these ten health benefits of dog ownership.
#1 Lower Blood Pressure
According to the American Kennel Club, “A comprehensive review of studies published between 1950 and 2019 found that dog owners had a lower risk of death. Studies suggest that dog owners have lower blood pressure levels and improved responses to stress.”
Simply petting a dog has been shown to lower blood pressure.
#2 Improved Mental Health
Dogs are also great for mental health. Studies have found that dogs help reduce stress and anxiety.
Psychologist Harold Herzog explains, “Studies have shown repeatedly that people’s good mood increases and bad mood decreases around pets […] And so we know that there’s immediate short term benefits, physiological and psychological, with interacting with pets.”
#3 Elevated Physical Activity
One of the many health benefits of dog ownership is that dogs encourage their humans to exercise. Dog owners routinely walk their dogs and play with them.
According to AKC, “A 2019 British study discovered that dog owners are nearly four times more likely than non-dog owners to meet daily physical activity guidelines. Dog owners spend nearly 300 minutes every week walking with their dogs. That’s 200 more minutes of walking than people without a dog of their own.”
#4 Raise Oxytocin Levels
Owning a dog tends to make people happier – studies have even proven it!
“A 2009 study in Japan found that staring into your dog’s eyes can raise your level of oxytocin, also known as the ‘love hormone.’”
#5 Improved Cognitive Function
According to AKC, “Studies exploring the effects of dogs on seniors found positive results. One study found that pet therapy can improve the cognitive function of residents in long-term care with mental illness.”
#6 Lower Risk of Heart Disease
The boost in exercise dog owners get from walking their dogs can also lower your risk of heart disease.
According to CNN, “A 2019 analysis of nearly 4 million people in the United States, Canada, Scandinavia, New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom found dog ownership was associated with a 24% reduction in dying early from any cause. If the person had already suffered a heart attack or stroke, having a dog was even more beneficial; they were 31% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.”
#7 Healthier Cholesterol Levels
Even Harvard Medical School proclaims the health benefits of dog ownership. This time regarding cholesterol.
They found, “There is some evidence that owning a dog is associated with lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. A large study focusing on this question found that dog owners had lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than non-owners, and that these differences weren’t explainable by diet, smoking, or body mass index (BMI).”
#8 Social Support
Another one of the health benefits of dog ownership is that dogs make us feel less lonely.
Studies have shown that those who own dogs are less lonely than those without dogs.
Additionally, dogs help us socially.
AKC reports, “A study at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University concluded that people who have a strong attachment to a pet often feel more connected in their human relationships and their communities.”
#9 Lower Risk of Diabetes
The American Heart Association recognizes one of the health benefits of dog ownership – a reduction in diabetes.
They claim, “People who walk their dogs regularly face one-third the risk of diabetes of those who don’t own a dog.”
#10 PTSD Support
AKC reports, “Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine discovered that military veterans with PTSD can do better both physiologically and psychologically when they have a service dog. Veterans with a service dog had significantly fewer symptoms of PTSD and showed improved coping skills.”
At Super Scoopers, we love dogs and are well aware of the many health benefits of dog ownership. Don’t let fear of dog poop pickup prevent you from welcoming a dog into your family. Let us help you with the poop scooping!